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Contracts and Agreements Writing Services

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Crafting Your Contracts and Agreements With Precision and Passion

Welcome to Amexwrite.com, your dependable source for expert contract and agreement writing services. With years of experience and a devoted team of legal writers, we ensure that your contracts not only adhere to the law but also protect your business interests.

Four reasons Why Agreements & Contracts Are Essential

Clarity in Business Relationships:

Contracts provide a clear understanding of the duties, rights, and responsibilities of each party involved. This clarity helps in preventing misunderstandings and ensuring smooth transactions.

Legal Protection:

A well-written contract provides a legal framework for resolution in the event of a dispute. It can be used in court as evidence to secure the rights and interests of the parties involved.

Benefits of Contracts & Agreements

Risk Mitigation:

Contracts delineate potential risks and stipulate methods for their management or mitigation. Typically, clauses regarding confidentiality, indemnification, and dispute resolution are included to address potential issues.

Certainty and Predictability:

Agreements provide parties with certainty regarding their anticipated obligations and benefits. This predictability enables enterprises and individuals to confidently plan and operate.

Types of Contracts & Agreement We Specialize In

At Amexwrite.com, we specialize in a wide range of contract and agreement writing services, tailored to the specific requirements of various industries and individuals. Our portfolio is extensive and diverse, ranging from meticulous business contracts such as partnership agreements and non-disclosure agreements to customized lease, employment, and sales agreements. In addition to drafting licensing agreements, e-commerce terms, financial contracts, and joint ventures, we are also adept at drafting licensing agreements, financial contracts, and terms of e-commerce. Our custom contracts are designed to ensure clarity, compliance, and peace of mind, whether you are an individual seeking clarity in a personal contract or a business seeking to strengthen its professional engagements.

Business Contracts:

  • Partnership Agreements: Define roles, responsibilities, profit-sharing, and other crucial details for partners in a business.
  • Non-disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Safeguard your confidential information, be it for business dealings, product development, or potential acquisitions.
  • Shareholders' Agreements: Detail the rights and obligations of shareholders in a corporation.
  • Franchise Agreements: Outline the terms and conditions of granting a franchise, ensuring brand standards and operational guidelines are met.

Lease and Rental Agreements:

  • Commercial Leases: Specific agreements for leasing commercial properties like offices, warehouses, or retail spaces.
  • Residential Leases: Contracts for renting apartments, houses, or condos to individuals or families.
  • Equipment Leases: Agreements for leasing machinery, office equipment, or vehicles.

Employment Contracts:

  • Full-time Employment Agreements: Detail the terms and conditions of permanent employment, including salary, benefits, and termination conditions.
  • Part-time and Temporary Employment Agreements: Specify the terms for non-permanent or part-time hires.
  • Consultancy Agreements: For experts hired on a consultative basis, detailing the scope of work, compensation, and duration.

Sales and Purchase Agreements:

  • Real Estate Sales Agreements: Outline the terms for buying or selling residential or commercial property.
  • Goods Sales Agreements: Detail the sale of physical products, ensuring quality, delivery, and payment terms.
  • Service Agreements: Contracts for service providers detailing the scope of service, payment terms, and quality expectations.

Freelancer & Independent Contractor Agreements:

  • Project-based Contracts: Detail the scope, timeline, and payment for a specific project.
  • Retainer Agreements: Contracts for ongoing services, specifying deliverables, timelines, and payment schedules.

Licensing Agreements:

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing: Contracts detailing the terms under which one party can use another's IP, such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights.
  • Software Licensing Agreements: Specific contracts for the use or redistribution of software.

E-commerce and Online Agreements:

  • Terms of Service (ToS): Stipulate the rules users must follow when using an online service or platform.
  • Privacy Policies: Detail how personal data will be collected, used, stored, and potentially shared.

Financial and Loan Agreements:

  • Mortgage Agreements: Contracts for property loans, detailing repayment, interest rates, and default terms.
  • Personal Loan Agreements: Define the terms for personal loans between institutions or individuals.
  • Joint Venture Agreements: Contracts detailing the terms under which two or more parties agree to undertake economic activity together.

Distribution and Supply Agreements:

  • Distribution and Supply Agreements: Outline terms under which products are distributed or supplied, ensuring timely delivery, quality checks, and payment terms.
Ready For Contract & Agreements Assistance? Let our team help you succeed today
As Simple As ABCD

Our Process:


Initial Consultation:

It starts with a conversation. Understanding your business, aspirations, and challenges is our primary goal

Research and Analysis:

Equipped with knowledge, we delve deep, researching market trends, competitor moves, and potential opportunities.


The initial sketch of the building. This draft, which has been meticulously crafted, lays the groundwork for what is to come.

Revisions & Delivery:

Your opinion is highly valued. In light of your feedback, we go back to the drawing board and make the necessary adjustments.
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Why Choose Amexwrite Inc

Our team consists of seasoned attorneys with extensive knowledge in numerous areas of contract law. Their collective years of experience guarantee that your contracts are not only legally sound, but also designed to secure your best interests.

The legal landscape is constantly changing. Our experts keep apprised of the most recent legal developments, ensuring that your contracts and agreements always adhere to the most recent regulations and standards.

We manage every step with precision and care, from the initial consultation to the delivery of the final document. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you are in excellent hands throughout the entire process.

Our knowledge is not restricted to a single jurisdiction. Due to the diversity of our team, we are able to draft contracts and agreements in accordance with international standards and regional requirements.

We believe that each contract is distinct. As a result, we place a premium on customization, ensuring that each agreement is tailored to your particular requirements and circumstances.

Frequently, time is of the essence in legal matters. Our goal is to deliver expedient services without sacrificing quality. Every delivery will be made promptly when you work with us.

Our customer-centric philosophy guarantees that you are never in the shadows. With our 24/7 support, you can contact us at any time with questions, updates, or clarifications.

Before finalizing any contract, we conduct comprehensive reviews to ensure every clause is in order, and no detail is overlooked. In addition, you can request revisions, ensuring your complete contentment.


Don't just take our word for it.

Our contracts & Agreement Customer Reviews

Anything not clear?

Frequently Asked Questions

At Amexwrite.com, we specialize in a variety of contracts, such as business contracts, lease and rental agreements, employment contracts, sales and purchase agreements, freelancer and independent contractor agreements, licensing agreements, e-commerce and online agreements, financial and loan agreements, joint venture agreements, and distribution and supply agreements. If you have an unlisted requirement, please contact us for a customized solution.

Despite the fact that our contracts are written to the highest legal standards, their enforceability may vary by jurisdiction. To ensure complete compliance and enforceability, it is essential to consult with local legal counsel in your region or country.

Each contract’s turnover time is determined by its complexity and specificity. However, we place a high priority on timely deliveries and will provide an estimated timeline during our initial consultation.

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. If you are unhappy with the initial draft, we will make revisions based on your comments. Our objective is to ensure that the ultimate document meets all of your specifications.

We take client privacy very seriously. All information provided to us is used solely for the purpose of composing and is safeguarded by stringent data protection measures. Your information is not shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties.

Based on the nature and complexity of the contract, our pricing structure varies. Before beginning the drafting process, we will discuss and agree upon both flat-fee and hourly rate options. Check our pricing guide below

As soon as you contact us, we schedule an initial consultation to determine your unique requirements. Depending on your inclination, this consultation can be conducted via phone, email, or video call. After collecting the necessary information, we begin the drafting process.

While we ensure that each contract is crafted to prevent disputes, in the unlikely event one arises, we recommend consulting with your legal counsel for resolution. While we strive for clarity and compliance, dispute resolution falls under the category of legal proceedings.

Our team of legal professionals is dedicated to lifelong education. We participate frequently in legal seminars, workshops, and training sessions. In addition, we actively monitor legal updates and jurisdictional changes to ensure that our contracts are always compliant and current.

If you have any more questions or would like to discuss your specific contact and agreement needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

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    Affordable & Cost Effective


    We have clear and transparent pricing for our Agreements & Contact Writing Services

    Standard Platinum Highest Quality

    Corporate / Business / Individual

    Our pricing model for corporate/business and individual.
    $49.99/ 100 words
    • English, Spanish & Chinese
    • Custom written 100%
    • Free revisions
    • 24/7 Support
    • 1 Editorial Process

    NGOs / Charities

    This pricing for NGOs and charitable organisations
    $39.99/ 100 words
    • English, Spanish & Chinese
    • 100% Custom written
    • Free Revisions
    • 24/7 Support
    • 1 Editorial Process

    Corporate / Business / Individual

    Our pricing model for corporate/business and individual.
    $59.99/ 100 words
    • English, Spanish & Chinese
    • Custom written 100%
    • Free revisions
    • 24/7 Support
    • 2 Editorial Process
    • Elite Writer

    NGOs / Charities

    This pricing for NGOs and charitable organisations
    $49.99/ 100 words
    • English, Spanish & Chinese
    • 100% Custom written
    • Free Revisions
    • 24/7 Support
    • 2 Editorial Process
    • Elite Writer

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